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Women's Fly Fishing Camp scheduled for June 24 at Francis Slocum State Park


Thank you for signing up for the Women’s Introduction to Fly Fishing Program at Frances Slocum State Park on June 24th.  Unfortunately, due to the forecasted thunderstorms and heavy rain this program is being canceled and re-scheduled to Saturday, September 9.


I will send everyone an updated link to sign up for September 9 closer to the program.   Here is a link to our program calendar if you are interested in attending any other programs as well: Programs (


 Thank you for your understanding and please let me know if you have any questions.




Allan Schreffler | Northeast Region Education Specialist

Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission | Bureau of Outreach, Education and Marketing

5566 Main Road | Sweet Valley , PA 18656

Email: |Phone: 570.477.2206